Chaos faults for VMware
VMware faults disrupt the resources running on a VMware cluster. Depending on the type of instance the fault targets, VMware faults are categorized into various types.
VMware CPU hog
VMware CPU hog applies stress on the CPU resources on Linux OS based VMware VM.
VMware disk loss
VMware disk loss detaches the disks that are attached to a Linux OS based VMware VM.
VMware DNS chaos
VMware DNS chaos causes DNS errors in the VMware VMs for a specific duration.
VMware host reboot
VMware host reboot reboots a VMware host that is attached to the Vcenter.
VMware HTTP latency
VMware HTTP latency injects HTTP response latency into the service. This is achieved by starting the proxy server and redirecting the traffic through the proxy server.
VMware HTTP modify response
VMware HTTP modify response injects HTTP chaos by modifying the status code, body or the headers, which affects the request (or response).
VMware CPU hog
VMware CPU hog applies stress on the CPU resources on Linux OS based VMware VM. It checks the performance of the application running on the VMware VMs.
Use cases
This fault helps determine how resilient an application is when stress is applied on the CPU resources of a VMware virtual machine.VMware disk loss
VMware disk loss detaches the disks that are attached to a Linux OS based VMware VM.