Missing file in rosco image got Exception (Create Bake)
400 Errors from Jenkins, even though JOBS can be seen in Spinnaker
2.32.1 upgrade path
The most important change introduced in Armory version 2.32 is artifact storage. This moves artifacts out of Orca database into the s3 bucket. This change will potentially reduce Orca database load and the execution context coming from the database.
Adding a Lambda Account Overwrites Existing AWS Accounts
Adding Target Groups to the Deployment Pipeline in AWS by Using CloudFormation
An Explanation of MySQl/PostGres Tables Involved in Armory Agent for Kubernetes
Armory Agent for Kubernetes requires an SQL-based database (MySQL/Postgres).
App Engine Deployments
To deploy to App Engine using different repositories for code and `app.yaml` file you need to configure the Git Repository Url pointing to your code repository.
Armory Cloud - Cannot Register User as User Already Exists (status code 409)
Armory Cloud - Remote Network Agent cannot connect (UNAUTHENTICATED)
Armory Enterprise (Spinnaker) Sizing and Scaling Guide
Armory Managed Services
Focus on building apps and not managing Spinnaker. Armory experts will take over Spinnaker operations, upgrades and break-fix efforts in your environment.
Armory Priority Zero (P0) Case Handling Procedures
Armory Customers with a Support Service agreement may be required to open a case with the Armory Support team to track production outages within their production environment. Depending on the severity of the issue, customers are encouraged to open a Priority Zero (P0) level case with our Support team for assistance
Aurora RDS Blue/Green Deployment in Spinnaker Services
Best Practices around Monitoring and Logging the Spinnaker Environment
Best practices for deploying and scaling Clouddriver HA services
When Spinnaker turns on Clouddriver HA mode, Clouddriver will split and get deployed as four different services, each only performing a subset of the base Clouddriver’s operations:
Capture Spinnaker configurations with the Armory Support Bundle
Capturing Spinnaker configurations with Armory's Support Bundle (w/ Automated Script)
For a full detailed of the manual process this script is automating, please refer to KB0010398
Clouddriver agent names too long for the columns in Database
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Reports - Armory Continuous Delivery
Please note that all CVE Reports are classified as Armory Confidential and Proprietary Information, and should not be shared outside of a customer's organization. The documents fall under the customer's MSA and NDA agreements.
Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) Reports - Armory Plugins
Please note that all CVE Reports are classified as Armory Confidential and Proprietary Information, and should not be shared outside of a customer's organization. The documents fall under the customer's MSA and NDA agreements.
Configuring Azure Named profiles with Terraformer
Controlling the Number of Caching Agents in Clouddriver
CVE-2022-23506- Rosco/Packer - Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File (OSS only)
CVE-2022-3786 / CVE-2022-3602- OpenSSL 3.x Vulnerability Analysis
Database recommendations for running spinnaker
Services within spinnaker such as Clouddriver, Front50 and Orca can be configured to use databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or Redis as their datastore. The databases can be configured by following the steps mentioned on the below docs
Deck will not connect to Gate. Receives 403 Error.
Deployments on PCF fail with invalid size for application memory.
Dinghy will fail to start after configuration
Enable external Spring Cloud Config Server
Error- Algorithm HmacPBESHA256 not available when Inserting TLS Certificates into Spinnaker
Exposing Gate API With x509 Certificates Using A Separate Deployment
External Accounts Plugin will not recover after a failure.
Find AMI stage finding images in unrelated account
General Spinnaker Optimization Suggestions
Hardening and Security Suggestions for Spinnaker
Customers may find that there is a need to secure their instances depending on their company best practices. This will vary from customer to customer depending on their overall infrastructure design and the exposure for their Spinnaker environment.
Hardening Spinnaker to Protect Against SPEL Misuse with AWS Metadata
How to Cleanup Old Executions in Orca MySQL Database
How to cleanup Rosco bakes older than specific days from Redis
How to disable security (Authn and Authz) for Spinnaker Migration testing
How to Investigate Pipeline Failures and Execution Issues with End Users
How to set Application Features with Dinghy
How to Set up Least Privilege Access with Fiat
IAM auth on Pods via IRSA
Instance registration teardown
Killing Processes where Parent pipeline triggered a large/infinite loop via webhook, keeps triggering child pipelines
Leverage Spinnaker API to Pull a List of Running Pipelines
Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded Error
Migrating from one cluster to another
Migrating pipelines:
New Relic Canary Integration
First you will need a Query Key and your account number.Follow https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/insights/insights-api/get-data/query-insights-event-data-api
Orca Operations and Fine Tuning Orca Performance
The following KB article explains how a modern Orca operates in Spinnaker and provides guidance towards fine-tuning Orca performance in more modern Spinnaker environments.
OSS Commits and their Relation to Armory Enterprise Releases
Overriding Terraform Available Versions via init containers
Passing Rosco/Packer Information to Next Stages using SPeL
Perform clean up after pipeline fails/ Trigger pipeline when another is canceled/successful/failed
Prometheus Canary Integration
In this example we are using the prometheus K8s operator
Reducing AWS EKS get-token Calls Made by Kubectl
Remove Ability to Manually Trigger Pipelines
Rosco cannot set environment variables in Packer bakes
Secrets can cumulatively build up in Spinnaker Services and cause Cluster/Control Plane Crash
Securing Webhook Endpoints
Setting up and Querying FIAT backend in MySQL and Viewing Users that have Logged in to Spinnaker Using FIAT
Settings for SysDig Monitoring of Spinnaker
Settings to integrate with Application LoadBalancer (ALB)
Spinnaker in an Istio Mesh
Streaming Spinnaker Events to External Resources with Echo Event Filtering Plugin (PagerDuty)
Suggestions and Recommendations for configuring and optimizing Armory Spinnaker
As Spinnaker supports variety of integrations, administrators may run into scalability issues when getting Spinnaker up and running. Following are the list of articles that provide recommendations on managing the environment to overcome scalability issues.
Suggestions on how to do Performance and Stress Testing in a Spinnaker Environment
This document talks about the steps taken to test the performance and the behavior of Orca and Spinnaker UI and arrives at the size and the number of stages the pipeline can have. It provides an example of testing that can be used to determine the limits of the environment.
Suggestions to Review before Performing Spinnaker Updates and Upgrades
The following is a list of articles and suggestions to review when exploring an upgrade path to a Spinnaker environment. These are general directions to help admins make their upgrade process as painless as possible, but it is by no means meant to be a final checklist of an upgrade process. It is intended for guidance for our customers to help mitigate some of the risks associated when seeking to upgrade the environment.
Troubleshooting AWS Role Assumptions in same AWS account or cross-accounts
Unable to pick up the CredentialsTypeProperties bean and map it to Customer ArtifactCredentials
Using S3 as a Backend for Front50 (Settings, Suggestions, and Considerations)
When and why to enable the High Availability (HA) mode
Working with Dinghy Templates
Working with Dinghy TemplatesDinghy is powerful tool, but to enable its full potential we at Armory created a series of modules and Dinghy files for you to ramp up on Dinghy.This are hosted on Github and are public, any comments, pr with fixes, issues against it is welcomed.https//github.com/armory/dinghyTemplatesTLDR;Fork the repos.Create a Webhook for both repositories pointing to